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Reporting Options

Sexual assault is the most underreported crime in our society and in the Military. While the Department of Defense prefers that sexual assault incidents are reported to the command to activate both victims' services and law enforcement actions, it recognizes that some victims desire only healthcare and advocacy services and do not want command or law enforcement involvement. The Department believes its first priority is for victims to be treated with dignity and respect and to receive the medical treatment, mental health counseling, and the advocacy services that they deserve.

Under DoD SAPR Policy, Service members and their adult military dependents have two reporting options: Unrestricted Reporting and Restricted Reporting. 

Unrestricted Reports allow adult victims of sexual assault to report crimes without requesting confidentiality of their allegations. DoD law enforcement initiates an investigation, and the chain of command is notified. Unrestricted Reporting allows victims to receive medical treatment, advocacy services, legal support, and eligibility for expedited transfer. In addition, Unrestricted Reporting allows victims of sexual assault to report retaliation in the SAPR program.

Restricted Reports allow adult victims of sexual assault to confidentially report the crime to specified individuals without triggering an investigation. Information provided to the chain of command does not reveal personally identifying information about the victim or alleged offender. Restricted Reporting allows the victim to receive legal advice, medical treatment, and advocacy services.

Regardless of which reporting option is chosen, or if no report is filed, there are dedicated response personnel available to provide advocacy, information, and resources to victims of sexual assault. More information is available in the Victim Reporting Options Guide.

Ask your local Sexual Assault Response Coordinator (SARC) about the Catch a Serial Offender (CATCH) Program. The CATCH Program allows adult victims of sexual assault to submit an anonymous entry on the suspect.

To find your local SARC or SAPR VA, visit the DoD Safe Helpline or call 877-955-5247.